
Week 32 of Pregnancy: Braxton Hicks Contractions

第32週:Braxton Hicks 宮縮
When you feel your uterus tightening up, your body is gearing up for the big day. Those irregular practice contractions can be first felt around mid-pregnancy and increase in frequency and strength as your pregnancy progresses.

How do you get to delivery?  Practice, practice, practice.  You might not be ready for the baby at 32 weeks pregnant (still haven't picked out that nursery color yet), but your body is certainly gearing up for the big day. And you're reminded of this each time you feel your uterus tightening up. Those are Braxton Hicks contractions — irregular practice contractions that can be first felt around mid-pregnancy and increase in frequency and strength as your pregnancy progresses. Many novice moms-to-be don't notice them as much (or feel them as intensely) as those who are pregnant for the second time, but even first timers are aware of them occasionally. As you get closer to term, they'll become stronger (beginning at the top of your uterus and spreading downward), longer (lasting 15 to 30 seconds or as long as two minutes), and even a little painful.

你如何分娩呢?練習、練習、再練習。你可能還沒有準備好在32週懷孕的時候,迎接你的寶寶。(尚未選好寶寶房間的顏色),但是你的身體確實地正在為這重要的一天做準備。每一天你的子宮緊縮,這就正在提醒你,這天的到來。這是 Braxton Hicks 宮縮--在你的懷孕過程中,這些不定期的的練習宮縮可能會在懷孕中期發生而且頻繁地增加和增強。不像懷孕第二胎的媽媽,很多新手媽媽不會察覺到宮縮。懷孕二胎以上的媽媽們甚至可以在懷孕早期就察覺到了。當你愈接近妊娠,宮縮將變的更強(從你的子宮上端開始,往下散擴散)、更長久(持續15至30秒或2分鐘長),甚至有點痛覺。

Braxton Hicks contractions are part of prelabor; in effect a warm-up for the real thing. And though they are not true labor and do not dilate or efface the cervix, they may be difficult to distinguish from real labor as they become more intense. To help with the discomfort of Braxton Hicks contractions, change positions (lie down if you're walking around, get up if you're in bed) or take a warm bath. If the contractions do not go away with a change in activity, and become progressively stronger and more regular, you may be in real labor, so be sure to put in a call to your practitioner.

Braxton Hicks 宮縮是分娩前兆一部份,實際上是真正宮縮的暖身。雖然它不是真正的分娩而且也不會打開子宮頸,當它變的更強烈時,可能很難與真正的分娩區分。改變姿勢(如果你在走動的話,躺下來、如果你在床上的話,起床)或沖個暖水浴,來幫助Braxton Hicks 宮縮的不舒服。如你已經做了以上的改變,宮縮還是持續著,變得逐漸增強和增多,你可能就是真的在分娩了,就要打電話給你的醫生了。



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