
連續12 個星期的布拉德利®教室

Twelve weeks, 3 months, the last trimester of pregnancy. The standard series of classes for a Bradley ® class is 12 continuous weeks for many reasons. 12週,3個月,懷孕的最後三個月。標準系列班,是布拉德利®課程連續12個星期的原因很多。首先,它有成效。 Our statistical analysis shows that students who attend a full 12 week class series are more likely to have an unmedicated birth.我們的統計分析表明,誰的 學生參加為期12週的全類系列更可能有一個未服藥的誕生。 In looking at renewal information we have found that the fewer the weeks of classes the higher the rate of medication. 我們發現在 更新的訊息來看,少的幾個星期的班率較高的藥物。

There are many reasons for this and perhaps the first is that there is a difference between learning information and preparing the body physically for an athletic event.有許多原因,也許是第一個是有區別的學習資料,準備身體健康情況的盛事。沒有人會去為奧運會的比賽項目少於3個月的培訓。 Shortening the time of preparation for birth is like being in a rush to prepare pasta for a dinner party and cooking it for only half the time.縮短時間準備出生就像是在匆忙準備麵食的晚宴和烹飪的只有一半的時間。麵食需要時間烹煮,人體需要時間準備的誕生。


這裡有幾個原因,為什麼運動也很重要。 Bradley ® teachers will include other exercises and reasons they are helpful for birth.布拉德利®教師將包括演習和其他原因,他們是有益於分娩的。

Squatting: Knowing how and being able to squat with ease can make a big difference in the birth process. 蹲姿:知道如何,在產程中能夠輕鬆地蹲姿可以作出很大的不同,。 It can open the outlet of the pelvis by 10-15% or more.它可以打開骨盆出口的10-15% 或以上。 Squatting is the only exercise we know that gives elasticity to the perineum making it more likely the mother will stretch without tearing and avoiding an episiotomy.蹲是唯一的工作,我們知道,使陰部的彈性使其更可能是母親舒展不流淚,並避免外陰切開術 Although squatting is normal for a toddler, most women gave it up by the time they were 5 years old because someone told them they could see their underpants.雖然蹲是正常的寶寶,大多數婦女都放棄了的時候,他們5歲的,因為有人告訴他們可以看到他們的內褲。 They haven't squatted since.他們至今沒有蹲。 Other cultures squat as a way of life.其他文化,蹲作為一種生活方式。


Stamina: Birth is hard work. 耐力:出生是艱苦的工作。 Labor can take a short or long time and we generally don't know in advance which way it is going to go.分娩可以採取短期或長期的時間,我們一般不知道哪種方式提前它會去。對於長期的分娩耐力是非常重要的。這就是為什麼我們鼓勵孕婦做某種形式的運動,可以增強毅力,如步行或游泳。

All of these exercises plus others in Bradley ® classes were chosen to help pregnant women get in shape for the big event.所有這些運動,連同其他,布拉德利®課程,選擇幫助孕婦鍛煉身材的一件大事。 All physical exercises take time to become expert in performing.所有的體育 鍛煉需要時間,成為專家表演。

Confidence: Attitude and habits take 3 months to change. 信心:態度和習慣需要3個月的變化。 The natural process of birth is foreign to most people.自然過程是外國出生的大多數 人。 It takes time to understand the process, have confidence that it works and form healthy habits to make it work. Learning takes time for most people.這需要時間來了解這個過程,有信心,它的作品,形成健康的生活習慣,使工作。學習需要時間,對於大多數人。 The first time you hear a new idea the response is generally “Oh that's interesting.” The second time you hear the same idea the response is “I think I heard that before.” The third time, “I know that,” and the fourth time, “Yes, that's what I always say too.” It takes time and repetition to learn and develop new habits and confidence.當你第一次聽到 一個新構想的反應普遍噢,那很有趣。第二次聽到同樣的想法的反應是我想我聽說過。第三次,我知道,而第四次,是的,這就是我一直說太多。這需要時間和反复的學習和發展新的習慣和信心。

Practice: Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. 實踐:排練,排練,排練。 Students learn 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they see, 50% of what they read and 90 % of what they do.學生學習的10%他們所聽到的,20%他們所看到的,50%他們所閱讀和他們的,和90%他們做什麼。incorporate labor information, practice and rehearsals right from the beginning of class one.為此,我們將分娩信息,實踐和排練從一開始階級之一。一對夫婦越多的排練,他們得到更好的。你還記得當你學習如何開車?愈練習,你覺得愈有心而且你會做的更好的,就如同駕駛考試一般。分娩也是如此。練習、練習、練習就是需要時間。

Nutrition: The key to a healthy pregnancy and life is good nutrition every day. 營養:健康的關鍵懷孕和良好的營養是生命 的每一天。 You are a reflection of what you ate 3 months ago.你是一個反映你吃了3個月前。 The human body does not change overnight.人體不會在一夜之間改變。 It takes time.這需要時間。當然均衡飲食一天是好的,但飲食均衡飲食數月是更好。 The National Institutes of Health has reported that during the 1990's there has been a 33% increase in what is often called toxemia, pre-eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, or PIH.該期報告,在90年代出現了增長33%,在經常被稱為毒血症,先兆子癇,HELLP綜合 徵,或妊娠高血壓。 This is a life threatening condition where the mother can go into seizures and the baby can die.這是一個危及生命的情況時,母親可以進入發作和嬰兒可死亡。 Dr. Tom Brewer tells us many of these cases are metabolic in nature resulting in metabolic toxemia of late pregnancy.湯姆布魯爾博士告訴我們很多這些案 件的性質產生的代謝在代謝晚期妊娠毒血症的。在這些案件中的營養是預防的關鍵。 Good nutrition the last trimester of pregnancy is critical to both the mother and baby's health. Sharing nutritional information at early pregnancy classes is even better.良好的營養懷孕的最後三個月均是至關重要的母親和嬰兒的健康。營養資料共享早孕班,甚至更好。

Relaxation: The key to labor is relaxation. 放鬆:分娩的關鍵是放鬆。 The body works best when the mother is relaxed.該機構工作的最佳母親是放寬。 Without relaxation the body produces epinephrine which interferes with the natural process of labor, stopping or causing dysfunctional labor. 有放鬆的身體產生腎上腺素,這妨礙了分娩力的自然過程,停止或造成不正常的分娩。 The National Institutes of Health, in a collaborative study on pain management, found that one of the most effective forms of pain management is relaxation.美國國家衛生研究院,在合作研究疼痛管理,發現其中一種最有效的形式疼痛管理放鬆。 But since relaxation is a skill, it takes time to get good at it. This preparation is often time-intensive taking 12 weeks of sessions with practice in each session and practice at home.但是,由於放鬆是一種技能,它需要時間來 出色。這個準備,往往花費大量時間到12週的會議和實踐,在每屆會議和實踐家。 Learning about relaxation is not enough, because it is a skill it must be practiced over a period of time. Bradley ® classes offer relaxation techniques and practice every week.學習緩和是不夠的,因為它是一門技術,必 須實行一段時期的時間。布拉德利®課程提供放鬆技巧和實踐每週。

Education: Dr. Bradley liked equating birth with swimming. 教育: 拉德利博士喜歡等同出生的游泳。 If someone told you they would throw you into 10 feet of water at the end of nine months it could be very scary. 果有人告訴你,他們會投你到了10英尺的水在最後9個月則是十分可怕的。 Someone who did not know how to swim could drown or be saved by a life guard kicking and screaming along the way.人誰不知道如何游泳將被淹沒或挽救生命警衛掙扎喊叫,沿途。 If you took that time to take classes and learn how to swim it would be a different story.如果你了,到時候,上課,學習如何游泳,這將是一個不同的故事。 After getting in the water you could swim to the side and climb out.在取得 的水,你可以遊到一邊,爬了出來。 Birth is very much the same.出生是大同小異。 It is so much easier if you know how.這是很容易,如果你知道怎麼辦。 The problem of not knowing what is going on can be scary.這個問題不知道是怎麼回 事,可嚇人。 If you were in a dark alley at midnight and someone tapped you on the shoulder you would tense up and scream.如果你在黑暗的胡同在午夜,有人挖掘你的肩膀,你會緊張 起來,尖叫。 If you were at a party where you know everyone and someone tapped you on the shoulder you would turn around and say Hi.如果你在一個聚會,你知道每個人,有人挖 你的肩膀,你會轉身打招呼。 Twelve weeks of information, practice, education through lecture, discussion, videos and knowing what to expect can make a big difference. 12週的信息,實踐,教育,通過講座,討論,錄像和知道什麼期望能有很大的不同。

Preparation: Getting ready for birth takes time. 準備工作:做好準備的出生需要時間。 Dr. Bradley liked to say it is an athletic event.布拉德利博士喜歡說這是一個體育事件。 Birth is very much like climbing a mountain and it is wise to get in shape physically, mentally, and emotionally before making the climb.出生很 象爬山,這是明智的形狀得到身體上,精神上和情感上才作攀登。 This is the birth of your baby.這是你的寶寶出生。 Commit to being the best you can be for your baby.承諾是最好的,您可以為您的寶寶。 Take the time to learn, practice and enjoy the thrill of birth.花時間去學習, 實踐和享受刺激出生。 A healthy baby, healthy mother, healthy family is our goal.一個健康的寶寶,健康的母親,健康的家庭是我們的目標。 Twelve weeks is a small commitment for a life enriching experience. 12週是一個小生命的承諾豐富的經驗。

Coaching/Doula: We have found that given the opportunity most fathers are willing and anxious to learn how to coach/doula at their baby's birth. 教練/導樂:我們發現,有機會大多數父親都願意和 渴望了解如何教練/杜拉在其嬰兒出生。 Much of class is directed at the coach to learn the natural process, how to make the mother comfortable and how to be an advocate for their family.大部分類是針對教練學習的自然過程,如何使母親舒適及如何成為一個倡導家庭。

Standard of Practice: The standard of practice for Bradley ® teachers is 12 continuous weeks of classes. 標準的實踐:實踐標準布拉德利® 師,是連續12週的課程。 Because it works.因為它的作品。 Couples should ask for and receive the proven standard of 12 complete weekly classes.夫婦應要求並得到驗證的標準完整的每週12班。 More couples are able to birth naturally with 3 months of practice than shorter classes.越來越多的夫婦可以生育3個月,自然與實踐的比較短班。

Twelve weeks to learn and incorporate nutrition, relaxation, coaching, knowledge, exercise and rehearsals into birth is a small investment of time, making it more likely they will be able to birth without drugs. 12週的學習,納入營養,放鬆,訓練,知識,鍛煉和排練到的誕生是一個投資少的時間,使他們更有可能將無法生育沒有毒品。 A healthy baby, healthy mother, healthy family and a labor that is natural is beneficial to the start or growth of a healthy family.一個健康的寶 寶,健康的母親,健康的家庭和分娩是自然的,有利於增長的開始或一個健康的家庭。

The standard Bradley ® series is designed for small classes with lots of individual attention.標準布拉德利®系列是專為小班地段的個別關注。 The standard l


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